What women want! My version of the popular World Wide Web. Let me ask a simple Question? What do women want? I decided to ask the women themselves,I am going to publish the few answers I got as the response came in. Mind you I didn't edit the responses, So as to bear out their minds,I promised the women their names would not be publicized. Read and Learn from them!
Miss A said :We just want happiness,Its broad I know but thats what we want. Miss B: I doubt if women know what they want. Even if we list things we think we want or traits Expected in our men. It cant be done no man can be 100percent perfect same with a woman
So its all wishes, in the end a woman will always settle for whatever her man has except she is not ready to settle den she'll keep pursuing d pipe dream dt a perfect man exists My view.
Miss C : An honest response won't make a difference. Thanks Miss D: There are many things that a woman wants, amongst the numerous things i'd just Mention a few. Women want men to communicate, tell her everything, don't just do things your own way and expect her to understand. Men should understand its not about sex, if she tells you she's not ready for sex and you leave because of that ,you are simply an unforgivable jerk( sorry for that). Don't disappoint us and come back to say γou are sorry, something you intentionally did,The worse part is when you actually repeat those things! †hanks.
Miss E: All women want is CARE, LOVE, someone who will take us for whom we are, whether fat or thin, beautiful or ugly,someone who will always be there,understand us when we wink, smile, cry, weep, laugh,etc. Miss F: Attention, comfort, security, compliments. Back to the subject, I cannot say I know all what women want,But I know 'satisfying a woman isn't a day's job you have to be PREPARED'.
Taking a cue from these women,especially the Miss that said anything she says would not make any difference and that all Guys are the same! First of all, you can tell that the miss has been heart broken many times and any guy who comes her way will be subjected to the walls of jericho she has built around her emotions. This is where mindset comes in. She needs to change her perception about men and give every man that might want a relationship with her a level playing field. Another Lady who said that she doubted if women knew what they wanted also has a point. Most women don't know what they actually want in the sense that they do not know what they sought for in a man. Once he's made monetarily they give it up and ignore the bad traits they would have noticed he had and before you say JACK, they are stuck.
Lastly Guys please and Please....Relationship isn't just about SEX! The lady might have her candid reasons. If truly you Love her you would wait for the RIGHT time. I will continue this series later on I hope the Guys are Listening? Ladies please be Patient with Us.
Adeyemi,Oderinde-mike. Follow on twitter for your comments and addendum @princeyemimike.
The same old, very elusive question if I may reframe. "What do Women Want? The list to me is endless, doubting me? Ask the lady beside you.
What do women want?? They want the D
I want to av my way & @ d same time want d man to show his masculine side i.e he is d boss. & if he doesn't do dat, he is not 'man enuf' for me. So it is complicated!!!
women want MEN !!!!!!!! lol.yeah i agree with you! its endless
In other Words , you are COMPLICATED
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