Saturday, May 17, 2014

Jay-Z and Solange settle

The man who leaked the video of how Beyonce's sister, Solange, attacked her husband Jay-Z have been sacked by the hotel. But the funny thing is that the man has already made as much as $250,000 so he doesn't even need the low paying job in the hotel. lol!

Anyway, the guy who was attacked, Jay-Z has released a joint statement with Beyonce and Solange:
"As a result of the public release of the elevator security footage from Monday, May 5th, there has been a great deal of speculation about what triggered the unfortunate incident.

"But the most important thing is that our family has worked through it, Jay and Solange each assume their share of responsibility for what has occurred. They both acknowledge their role in this private matter that has played out in the public. They both have apologized to each other and we have moved forward as a united family.

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