Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Categories of Relationship 1

Categories of Relationships
I know I have come again , like 'Ify' would say, I like love too much. Let me just 'lol' on that . Nowadays, we even laugh out low. So instead of laughing out loud , its better to laugh out low so people will not think you are insane at your work place or if you are in a public Transport .

As we all know, there are countless types and forms of relationships out there, I will try my best to be expansive on the few I know. It is a known fact, a trend, and an Everyday occurrence that people 'hook up' or 'break up'. So why kill yourself emotionally and psychological if your man or woman leaves you? Its not by force.

Moreover, some relationships give way for better ones. Life goes on...................

N.B- I am not referring to anybody in case it points directly at you, Neither am I guilty of any , so don't ask me . My intention is to make it funny, yet pass a MESSAGE , Nothing too serious #Thanks.


You know the reason I chose the Title "NICODEMUS LOVE/ SUBMARINE LOVE"? Its because Nicodemus sneaked to meet Jesus then and the Submarine is an undercover war machine built with the resemblance of a fish . Relationships that are too wrong to be official. Secret affair!!!

This one no be small thing oh!!! If you ask me, who I go ask? Remember Tiger Woods? Bill Clinton? and John Terry? They all have one thing in common, they had secret affairs till it became an Open Secret . One was with his secretary , the other was with numerous women and the last was with his Team mate's wife. Nothing is hidden under the Sun. Eventually , it will be in the open . Look at what happened to Tiger. It cost him over $300 million and his marriage. It took a toll on John Terry's career and it almost cost Bill his Marriage and Presidency . Till date, its still fresh in America's memory *Sighs* "Aiye Ma Le O" meaning "People are TERRIBLE ". Men need to be CAREFUL we tend to do this after marriage. Another Topic for Another Day.

They always come during the festivities . especially December . That's why I coined it 'December Carriage' .
Shout out to the BAD SHARP GUYS either from Malaysia or any Country lol . Within four weeks that he came to spend in Nigeria, he dates you,chop you, and goes back and Cleans his mouth. In fact, I will borrow him my Handkerchief to clean his mouth well. Haven't you seen a white man before? Or no one in your family has ever traveled out? Are you Hungry? Are you that desperate? Are you that cheap? Is poverty so deep all over you ?

The other day on twitter , A lady was lamenting that she lost her Virginity and people re-tweeted that maybe she collected BlackBerry Q10 from a Guy .
It won't be earlier than the next year before you see him again....hahaahhahahaha. Yet your Boyfriend is residing abroad ? Who's deceiving Who? Any way, December is on its Way again. So take heed.


They seem to be having a phone affair... Most times through E-mail.
This One is beyond me . I have searched , reasoned and cannot still phantom the rationale behind this LONG thing. Why should you suffer yourself ? Have Men and Women Finished in your terrain? Or your state of residence? Is it that as a Man, You cannot talk to a woman? *Egbami* meaning please * Deliver Me* This can run for two to five years.
In short, I'm vexed . Why you? I hate to burst your bubble , but Quote me anywhere I will defend it. " Any Man/Woman that you can readily see and he/She is not available to see you, yet you talk on phone a lot, you are either heading towards the friend zone or He/ She is using you to kill boredom". ' If they desire you, they will squeeze time out of no time for you' #Shikena.

Oh! This one is an Encyclopedia on its own . Do I need to write about this? You already know it. This is the best. You want me to continue? You like gist too much. Ask Google for the concluding part. #SEFINI

Thanks To Busola for the Inspiration and Idea



Anonymous said...

Nice one Yemimike #winks#

Anonymous said...

Lovely piece, only that av got a feeling Prince Mike has been through all categories

oderinde mike Adedeji said...

Relationships is just a way of saying "ona kan o wo oja" meaning one road no lead to market...........d bottom line is everybody has a way of finding happiness in whatever they indulge in. If they aren't happy or not getting a form or token of satisfaction then no point......stolen wine is sweet remember

qween said...

Hmmm dis is nice

Anonymous said...

Nice 1

The Pope said...

Hmmm....Yemi!... nice piece though