Monday, December 30, 2013

32 Things Guys Should Know About Girls. (4 Guys)

32 Things Guys Should Know About Girls by marialucia(f): Naira Land

1) For all we talk about how hot guys are. We mostly care about their personality. Though a hot body is a plus

2) We are just as shy as you are about

3) Many of us don't let you see us cry,
unless we want you to comfort us

4) We like dropping small flirts, to see if
you are interested. But we will later deny it or make it into a joke.

5) Most of us prefer to be call beautiful
than hot or s*xy. But not all of us
6) We only wear mini skirts, tank tops
and skimpy cloths for you (unless it's
REALLY REALLY hot outside). So if you
don't like what we wear say something
likely look really nice today, but you
know...I think I like you in jeans better'

7) We travel in groups for one of two
reasons 1) because we want to share
some form of gossip with each other or
get advice on something 2) B/c we don't
want to get caught by ourselves with you because we won't know what to say and are afraid we'll make a **** of ourselves. MOST girls spend about 15% of the time thinking about specific guys, 20% thinking of guys in general, 25% thinking of how to get guys to notice us and what to say when we do, 30% of the time TALKING about guys (even if someone else isn't listening), and 10% of the time doing something else.

9) Girls automatically assume that all guys are ***** and only want to get into our pants until you prove otherwise (and even then some small part of us still thinks that)

10) Most girls are under the impression
that guys only want skinny 'hot' girls.

11) Most girls enjoy being paraded around
once in awhile in front of your friends.
We enjoy having you show us off to your
friends, kind of like, 'Hey, look at my hot
Bottom girlfriend! Aren't you jealous?" But we
don't enjoy being nothing but a trophy

12) Nicknames like "Babe, or darling" are safe to call just about any girl. But beware of "Princess or Angel". Some girls will take offence to this thinking you are calling them to innocent or incapable of taking care of themselves.

13) Speaking of nicknames, almost every girl has ONE nickname that they just love to be called.

14) Most girls will drop lots of hints to tell you that they like you, but won't come right out and say" I like you" or "I love you". If you think they like you, there is a good chance they do.

15) Scenario time! -You like a girl named
Ashley, Ashley has a friend named
Brenda. Brenda comes up you in the hall
and asks "Do you like Ashley?"
More often than not in this scenario
Ashley asked Brenda to ask you because
she is to shy to ask you herself. And even
if she didn't the first thing Brenda is going
to do with your answer is tell Ashley.
Now you are thinking "WHAT!? NO!!
DON"T TELL HER THAT!!!" but in reality, this is a good thing. Because there is a good chance she already likes you. And if she doesn't, she will now be looking at you in a different way, and let me tell you. It's a lot easier to fall for a guy if you already know they like you. So its safe. So go ahead and tell Brenda that you like Ashley. Take a chance.

16) Girls hate it when guys say perverted things.

17) Girls love to feel special, even though they might not show it.

18) Girls talk about everything with their
girl friends. So unless you tell us not to
tell them about something, they WILL
know about it within 3 days. And if you
are the girl's boyfriend, that means, you're possibly 90% of their conversation. And believe me, trash talking takes up most of it, unless you're a Greek god, which
you're not.

19) Girls hate guys with bad hygiene.

20) Girls love it when a guy pulls them
close by the waist.

21) Most girls like a guy that will willing
dance with them, even if he doesn't know how.

22) Usually, when a girl is sarcastically
mean to you, it means they're attracted to you, but are afraid that they'll be showing too much

23) A kiss on the hand with the right
timing can be a REAL TURN-ON

24) Some girls can think about their
crushes for 18+ hours straight. No

25) When a guy says something really
sentimental, girls will remember it forever.

26) Girls get embarrassed easily, even if guys don't know what the hell just

27) Girls daydream about their crushes
ALL the time. They just don't show it.

28) When a girl is upset and wants you to listen, she wants you to listen. She
doesn't need you to fix it or tell her how
to. She just wants you to listen.

29) When a girl is crying, she feels a lot
safer if you pull her close and tell her that everything is going to be all right. And more likely than not, it will endear them to you more than anything else.

30)If someone flirts with you, its a
complement. If you're not interested,
accept it but don't flirt back.

31)The woman in your life needs to hear
how you feel about her, and often. Tell
her now

32)All women are complicated, and it is
doubtful any man will ever fully be able
to understand us. But we know that, so its going to be ok.


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